
How Can Yoga Lift Your Immune System?


Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory. Yoga is not just turning, twisting, stretching and breathing exercise it is more than that. It’s a way of life; it transforms your body and heals your mind. Yoga is the ancient art that stimulates the body and relaxes the mind. It is also the best way to stave off regular illness and ailments.

At any given time of the day or year, our bodies are vulnerable to infection by the multitude of viruses and bacteria. They are what lead to runny noses, hacking coughs, stomach infections and severe cases of the flu. Proper hygiene and healthy eating habits can help to an extent, but yoga can truly help the body fight infection.

We will tell you why:

  1. It Helps To Keep the Respiratory System on Track

Colds, coughs and similar infections are caused by bacteria that badly damage the upper respiratory system. If your immune system is not strong enough to throw them off, the bacteria can penetrate into the lungs and lead to pneumonia or bronchitis. Yoga is indeed the main tools for maintaining the health of our respiratory system. What’s more? Regularly performing the breathing exercise and “asanas” conditions the respiratory tract and boosts the effectiveness of the lungs.

  1. It Reduces the Stress Levels Naturally

A person who’s under stress is more likely to catch a cold or a fever when viruses invade the nasal passage. Also, the stress and anxiety seems to worsen or lift the risk of infirmities such as depression, gastrointestinal problems, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease and asthma. To put it otherwise, yoga helps lower stress hormones and calms the nervous system, which is associated with the immune system.

  1. It keeps Muscles and Joints in A Great Working Order

Whatever is your age, the joint and muscular pain doesn’t seem to distinguish nowadays. A weak bone structure, lack of physical activity and deficiency of essential nutrients in the diet can aggravate the situation. Moreover, yoga helps to lubricate the joints with synovial fluid and stabilizes the muscles through strengthening exercises which in turn help eliminate the pain.

  1. It Ensures the Optimal Functioning Of All Organs

Office jobs that require sitting for longer hours and sedentary lifestyle mean that our organs don’t get enough or adequate amount of blood flow which in turn lead to blockages and build-up of toxins. Over time, this leads to breakdowns in the body system. If you continue yoga on a regular basis, it can stimulate the lymphatic system, to remove the toxins from the body. In fact, there are various kinds of “asanas” that ensure organs and glands receive fresh blood and are gently stimulated and massaged. The rise in the supply of oxygenated blood to organs ensures their optimal function.

Hence proved, yoga can help boost your immune system. So, try yoga and give this world some good energy. Attempt yoga to stimulate and improve the functioning of your nervous system, digestive system, circulatory and endocrine systems.





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